

Publication date
22 month 08, 2023
In Healthcare sector, we provide diverse research and consulting solutions for different services & products, including Health Supplements, Healthcare Service packages related to medical examinations and treatment or health consultations at hospitals, clinics, as well as the evaluation of pharmaceutical products from the perspective of industry experts (Doctors/ Pharmacists).

Market Research Approaches for Healthcare Segment

With the aim of helping businesses understand the healthcare market and user needs, we employ various popular market research methodologies in the Healthcare sector:

  1. Usage and Attitude (U&A) Research 

  • Identify users' attitudes and behaviors towards Health Supplements or the current Healthcare system.

  • Understand the needs and expectations of patients/ users regarding Products or Healthcare services.

  1. Brand Health Check

  • Measure the recognition/ awareness and usage of brands in the Healthcare sector.

  • Evaluate the communication efforts of Brands/ Hospitals/ Clinics.

  • Define brand positioning.

  1. Market Overview and Trends Analysis 

  • Explore the potential and development trends of the Healthcare industry or specific Health Supplement products in the next 3-5 years.

  • Estimate the scale and market share of competitors in the industry.

  • Identify potential segments for businesses to target.

  1. Evaluation of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

  • Assess advisory services from staff members in terms of friendliness, professionalism, and dedication to patients at Hospitals/Clinics/Healthcare Centers/Pharmacies. 

  • Measure the current patients/users' satisfaction levels with Healthcare products and services. 

  • Utilize the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to gauge customer satisfaction & loyalty.

  1. Concept Test/ Product Test

  • Interview users/patients to gauge their interest and purchasing needs for new ideas/products.

  • IDI: Interview experts (Pharmacists/Doctors) to determine the potential for products to be adopted and prescribed by Hospitals/Clinics.

  1. Campaign Evaluation

  • Measure awareness, message recall, and interaction of customers with advertising campaigns. 

  • Assess the impact of advertising campaigns on customer purchase decisions.

  1. Price Checking Research for Medications Adjustments

  • Study the retail prices and promotional programs of drug SKUs in chain and independent pharmacies to compare prices at the same period. 

  • Adjust medication prices and launch timely promotional programs to create competition and attract customers.


☑ Desk research

☑ Indepth interview – IDI

☑ Focus group discussion – FGD

☑ Mystery Shopper

☑ Quantitative Survey

🗆 Central location test – CLT

🗆 Home In use Test – HIV

☑ Trade Census

☑  Retail Audit

The application of market research in the Healthcare sector helps businesses leverage opportunities and address competitive challenges. We are committed to delivering high-quality, reliable research projects that align with your business objectives. Our team of experts is ready to assist your company throughout the research process, providing profound insights into the Healthcare market in Vietnam.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can support your business in research projects!


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