Non-governmental organizations

Non-governmental organizations

Publication date
24 month 08, 2023
Non-governmental organizations
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in carrying out activities that serve the public interest, aiming to build an equal, and progressive society. By understanding the lives and concerns of various specific groups, such as women, children, and those facing social inequalities, NGOs formulate necessary support programs and contribute to societal development and improvement. However, to achieve a deep understanding and implement relevant and impactful support activities, conducting research involving the target groups is essential. This helps NGOs prepare adequately before implementing practical initiatives and also enables them to assess the effectiveness of their sponsored activities.

Market Research Approaches for NGOs

With the aim of helping non-governmental organizations (NGOs) gain a comprehensive understanding of Vietnamese society and its people, various types of market research can be conducted:

  1. Usage and Attitude (U&A) Research 

  • Determine the attitudes and perspectives of specific target groups regarding a particular topic.

  • Understand the needs and expectations of specific target groups within unique social contexts.

  1. Evaluation of the Quality of Activities Initiated by NGOs 

  • Evaluate activities that have been, are being, or will be conducted by NGOs. 

  • Measure the level of satisfaction and the extent to which these activities improve the quality of life.

  1. Concept Test/ Product Test

  • Evaluate the level of interest among target groups for new ideas/ products/ programs. 

  • Identify unique features that contribute to the potential success of the ideas/ products/ programs. 

  • Collect feedback to improve the ideas/ products/ programs.


☑ Desk research

☑ Indepth interview – IDI

☑ Focus group discussion – FGD

🗆 Mystery Shopper

☑ Quantitative Survey

🗆 Central location test – CLT

🗆 Home In use Test – HIV

🗆 Trade Census

🗆 Retail Audit

Utilizing market research services enables Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to connect with and gain deeper insights into vulnerable segments of society, with the goal of supporting them and contributing to humanitarian and societal development.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can assist Governmental NGOs in research projects!


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