Bitcoin prices continue to fall deeply, experts' predictions may not be accurate !

Today bitcoin continues to successfully defend the key support level to hold the current $ 4,300. Nobuaki Kobayashi, who runs the Mt. Gox has announced an effort to postpone the deadline for submission of proof of payment to the public.

Mt Gox prepares investors for refunds
Nobuaki Kobayashi, who runs the Mt. Gox has announced an effort to postpone the deadline for submission of proof of payment to the public.
While the deadline is set for Oct. 22, both for corporate and personal users, today's announcement shows: "If the record is postponed for reasons not related to the creditors , proof of refund is filed after the deadline ... can be accepted. Whether accepted or not will be decided by the court ... The refund will attempt to ask the court to accept a refund on 26/12/2018 (Japan time) ".
The announcement then details the time and method of repayment when it is possible to extend the deadline to 26/12.
The latest support threshold for bitcoin is $ 4,100
After failing at $ 4,799.74, bitcoin fell continuously and created new low marks for the year. The immediate support threshold is at $ 4,100, and below that $ 3,500-3,000.
Speaking on CNBC's "Squawk Box", Moro, CEO of Genesis, said the market could drop to $ 3,000. "You really will not see the bottom until you reach $ 3,000," Moro said.
He advises against buying when prices are falling: "This is the fifth or sixth reduction of 75% in the 10-year history of bitcoin. And so if you have a long-term perspective, I do not think that institutional investors will finally care about the bitcoin price at the end of 2018 will be here, simply because they are looking at everything in three to five years. after".
Commenting on the digital money market over the past few years, blockchain trader and industry consultant Vinny Lingham told Cointelegraph: "The environment can change as many companies with strong practical applications. in their development cycle, gaining momentum and demonstrating great business value to make a difference. " Just because the price collapsed, does not mean this is the end of a property.
In Singapore, BlockShow is preparing for an online startup contest with the name EXP20 on November 29, This is a new part of the Asia Blockchain program, taking place in Singapore from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1, 1818. The strongest support will come from the support of capital and advertising to important relationships, if convincing the board of investors that their ideas can succeed globally.
In Germany, the Economy and Energy Minister is planning to fight the blockbuster tax evasion, according to the WirtschaftsWoche economic news site on Nov. 22. That is after the tax evasion of CumEx-Files came to light. The minister said that scatterplot technology would create an effective tax system in eliminating deception.